Baturyn School is an exceptional elementary school where the best of Edmonton Public’s staff, students and parents come together to create a caring school.
Labour Action Updates
Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On behalf of the staff at Baturyn School, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all students and their families.
Baturyn school has a long and proud history in the community. We work to support each child as they develop into a learner who is engaged in their knowledge development, excited about their capacity as a learner and who is compassionate towards others. Our work with the Leader in Me is helping us build leaders, one child at a time. Baturyn School is a positive, nurturing learning community focused on the success of all students. Our staff is committed to providing rich learning experiences and the best possible programming to enable all students to learn, lead, grow and achieve. High standards for academic success and positive student behavior are emphasized at Baturyn.
Education is a partnership between the school and students, parents and community partners. The primary goal of this partnership is to create a high quality learning environment focused on collaboration and continuous improvement. Parents are an integral part of the learning team and a key element in the success of children in school. With parental participation and support, the very best learning experiences are created for children.
Schools rely on communication to establish and maintain relationships. This school handbook is intended to provide information about our school programs, activities, policies, and procedures. To provide you information and assist your family with planning, school news and events are posted on SchoolZone as information becomes available. SchoolZone is a secure web portal designed to provide parents and students with information about school news, events, activities and much more. Information about our school is on SchoolZone and on our school website at http://baturyn.epsb.ca.
We welcome you in joining this school community and we look forward to working with you to provide the very best learning experiences for our students.
Yours in partnership,
Linda Speelman